- on growing up -
Once upon a time, a water faerie dreamt, of wonders, of rainbows and, of stars.
she saw a rainbow, and caught a star, the brightest of them all.
upon that star, a wish she made.
then, a beautiful tune heard she, from the woods.
and there, in the enchanted forest, begins her adventures...
too tired.
to say much.
need some rest.
last lap. how many are there again?
so many things i want to do. but time just doesn't play along.
i am picturing a big comfortable, thick soft layer of mattress and falling into a deep deep slumber on it, dreaming of a land faraway with everything i love. i would run barefooted on endless fields blooming with flowers of all colours. i would stroll through jungles filled with tall trees and swinging branches, with forest animals. i would swim in the clearest springs. i would weave through fishes in the ocean. i would sing and dance on top of mountain tops and look down. and when night falls, i would lie on the same patch of grassfields to gaze at the stars, every single one of them and make out their constellations. then i would dream again.